Here's what I've been up to recently, and what I've already finished.
Click on the icons to learn about the development of each project.
Last updated 8.25.2022
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Being Worked On NowMilk Man 2: Tha Revenge dev started in April for a short while, then continued in JulyDevelopment Paused For Nowguyman dev started 10.?.2020Midi Album dev started 11.?.2020 FinishedJOSH DUMB 2: -CHOCOLETE EDITION- 7.11.2021Milk Man: Shit Edition 8.1.2020 Crap OS 7.12.2020 Bienvenido: the game lol 6.15.2020 Josh Dumb 4.20.2020 |
What I've been listening to while I work: |
Development info on :
Tools used
Dev time
This Site
Will Do
- fix the left side of each page getting cut off when zooming in
- fix the snow canvas for the christmas theme
- add more crap to the header
- redo the header links
- stykz page
- downloads section
- old projects page (2018-2020)
- add native hit-counter
- change the background music on the home page because it's been the same for 11 months
Might Do
- make chairgame in js
- evil raycast lair
- piano room
- make a guestbook
Dead Ideas
- make a small halloween game for soupy cartoon
- make this place not shit
- turnbased rpg script
wtf even are half of the things listed?