die files
Here's some images & videos I have/had on my pc that are related to die, either because it uses the art style similar to the one in the comic or because die's characters are in it. The file dates aren't 100% accurate, most are based off of when I sent them in Discord DMs or the dates of related files.
- 2.8.2020 - 8d1kbrog.gif - sprite from a game I was working on titled "8 doods 1 keyboard"
- 2.8.2020 - 8d1k_textboxes.mp4
- 2.21.2020 - fortnite.png
- 3.19.2020 - die_stuff_edit.png
- 3.20.2020 - eb_summers.png - an earthbound drawing i did in the "die style"
- 2.23.2020 - squily_reaction.png - squily's reaction to this shitty comic
- 3.23.2020 - original_milk_man.png - the original milk man concept art
- 3.?.2020 - brog_(comic)_(game)_sprites.png - crappy sprites from an unfinished brog game
- 3.31.2020 - brog_3d_epic.mp4
- 4.8.2020 - brog3d_faces.png - each face was used to show the player's health/condition
- 4.8.2020 - brog3d_bruh.png
- 4.8.2020 - idk.png
- 4.8.2020 - acolytes.gif - the music that goes with this gif can be found on NG here
- 4.8.2020 - Acolytes.png
- ?.?.2020 - bobmichael1.png - unfunny poster that I was gonna use in brog3d
- 5.3.2020 - die_in_gmod.png - a screenshot of the comic in a gmod map I made called crap map
- 5.12.2020 - did_that.png
- 5.13.2020 - brogsquish.gif
- 1.22.2021 - shoopz.png - a desktop wallpaper for 1280x1024 monitors
- 3.?.2021 - oldtitle_bk.png
- ?.?.2021 - ngbbs_sig.gif - my signature image on the Newgrounds BBS
- 5.29.2021 - diere.png
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