Welcome to soupy cartoon, the home of many abominations made by catalystl on newgrounds.

Why did I choose the name soupy cartoon?
Well that's because they're two words that create confusion just like everything on this website will probably do.

There's a bunch of purposefully awful media on here, or things that don't belong anywhere else.
that being said, enjoy the things on this site! If you can.

Latest MINDBLOWING News - 8.14.2020

i just made this website.


click on the titles to view stuff. (more things will be added soon)

hl comic:
a comic about half-life made to resemble
bad comics I found that I made in 3rd grade.
milk man series:
a series of 3d exploration video games in
the world of guy town.
worm 2:
a game?
non-existent thing:
i didn't make this.